After all the waiting, Spring has sprung. Goodbye, winter (maybe). I'm wondering about the usual "cold snap" that sweeps in and kills the blooms. The azaleas look rough this year - as do all of the plants and trees on the farm; Katrina did an number on them. But even without its usual glory, it's refreshing to see Spring again.
Speaking of seeing old friends, I'm having a hurried day today, rushing to get my errands and chores done so I can leave on time to visit Terry and JoEllen tonight. I can't wait to see them; it's been too long! But we are finally back in touch, and I'm headed south tonight. I'm glad we have a friendship that can pick right back up where we left off. It really is true that Life, like the weather, is seasonal. Don't you think?
Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Lego® MOC Page, originally uploaded by Patrick Q.
I signed up for a page at this website today. Maybe it will increase my eBay sales. The layout looks professional; I'll give it that. I found some inspiring photos there, too. I saw photos of one guy's work (a mini version of a NY neighborhood) that was featured at a banquet honoring the WTC designer, Minoru Yamasaki. He is a professional Lego builder and even had his own business page.
I went to the gym today and, boy, are my legs tired. I did my five miles on the tread, but I only ran one of them. When I stretched out before the run, I knew all too well that I hadn't run since Katrina. I'm so stiff! I'll be glad to get past this stage.
I voted for Taylor last night (Soul Patrol!). He was awesome, as usual. I'm wondering if Lisa, Ace, or Bucky will be voted off. It's narrowing down; who do you think will win? Wouldn't it be better if we could vote people OFF rather than voting to save them?!
Monday, March 27, 2006
the back pasture, originally uploaded by Patrick Q.
Today was a productive day. I closed some auction on eBay ($$-Yay!) and mailed a package to a teacher in Alaska(some DK books she bought). I signed up for the gym. I can't believe my hometown has one; it's owned by a guy who went to highschool with me. I'll start running again tomorrow. Goodbye belly! I went out to the farm and took some pictures for Pauline, at Dad's suggestion. Spring is starting to bloom. Hope a cold snap doesn't nip it in the bud, literally. All, in all, it was a restful Monday.
I did have one moment of excitement. I found a possum hiding in the pump house. Have you ever seen a live possum? They have big yellow pointy teeth. He really did "play possum" when I found him. I'll post a photo so that you can see him, too.
Possum in the Pump House!, originally uploaded by Patrick Q.
Here's the critter that I found lurking behind the wagon wheel. He was out to eat the dog food. What a surprise that he was foraging in the daylight. Usually he would have been there at night. In all the years growing up in the country, I never saw a possum. So, it was a surprise to meet him face to face today!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Ben Seibel impromptu Iroquois Bridal White Mosaic, originally uploaded by Patrick Q.
I'm getting the hang of this new camera and putting it to good use auctioning things on eBay. I got a bidder on my old camera. Hooray!
I went down to visit Ryan for the day on Tuesday. He gave me a photography lesson and showed me how to use his cameras and lights. He also took a nice photo of me. It's amazing what good lighting will do for you.
I'm going to help out with the next wedding that Ryan works. I'm excited about it. It will be a good experience for me and will let me know what kind of aptitude I have for that kind of work. I hope I do a good job; I'd hate to be responsible for messing up somebody's wedding photos.
It was good to see Ryan and Amanda - and just to get out of town for the day. The Coast is still a mess, so it was a little emotional to be down there. My practice on the camera consisted of taking pictures of blue tarps and piles of trash and tree limbs. Ugh! I did take some funny shots of Ryan making faces, but I accidentally left the CD with them on his table. I'll have to get them later. Don't you hate that when you forget your stuff somewhere?
Monday, March 20, 2006
I remember ordering my first digital camera: a Sony Cybershot DSC-P50. And I remember my excitement when it finally arrived. No more developing costs! No more wasted film! What a treasure it became! Almost all of the photos in my flickr stream were taken with it. Since I bought it, it's been in hand at every milestone along the way and can sometimes feel like an extension of myself. It's hard to let it go on eBay (I'm not making a mistake, right?), but I'm excited to have a higher resolution camera now, and I'll be equally excited to have a little extra cash in the bank to help pay for that new camera.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Going through the crates of stuff in my room, I ran across my senior yearbook. It's been 13 years! I can't believe how quickly time has passed during that span.
This week I've been visiting with my brother. He works at a university, so we spent some time on campus. I met some of the students and realized how young they are. I didn't feel that way when I was in their shoes.
Isn't the passing of time a crazy phenomenon? I'm reading I was just wondering by Philip Yancy. The author argues that one of the best proofs of God and Heaven's existance is our surprise at earthly phenomenon like death and the passage of time. Even though they are the epitome of natural, we perceive them with shock and amazement. I see what he means. I'm looking forward to the end of time.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
The MS Governor just vetoed a bill in the state legislature that would have raised taxes on cigarettes and eliminated them on groceries. I can't understand that decision. How could he possibly justify his actions? What frame of mind would lead him to believe he was acting in the people's best interests? It's one of the most unbelievable things I've ever heard! Later, when I make the time, I'm going to read his justification. But my first impression on hearing the announcement is that it's a bad decision. What do you think?
Friday, March 17, 2006
Like to write? Here's a short story starter for you: Write the story from a "How To" approach, but in REVERSE. Tell the story of, "How to burn a cake" or "How to fail a driving test." Failure can be fun. Give it a try! (Diagrams & charts are optional.)
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I'm putting the first lot of books up today on eBay. It's an emotional experience. That "Cowboy" book in this stack was the first educational book I ever bought for my classroom, way back in 2000. But (thankfully) I get to keep the memories and the photographs after the auctions end. AND...even better, I won't have to box up and move these books ever again! It's a bittersweet goodbye, but I can't justify keeping things "just in case I'll need them later" when selling things means greater mobility and financial freedom. (Just a bit of preaching to myself, there). I hope these sell for a lot of cash :)
Monday, March 13, 2006
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
1. Purple Lit Edifice Luneberg Germany, 2. FENCED, 3.(according to flickr, my "Most Interesting" but not in i500 ICKS?, 4. Holy Threads, 5. nerdy glasses mosaic, 6. TINTED, 7. 1953 Dance Party, 8. Hiding to eat big bro's lunch?, 9. Oxford, MS circa. 1940, 10. Bobby and Betty, circa 1953, 11. The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, 12. Mom in a Convertible, May, 1953, 13. FRECKLES, 14. SWEETHEART, 15. BULL IN A CHINA SHOP, 16. (a personal favorite, but not in i500)cameo 19
Flickr has a group of photos that it's labelled the most "interesting." These are all photos that I either took or scanned that have made it into the top 500 "most interesting" on flickr (with the exception of two of them, included for filler).
I think it's cool that 3 of my most popular photos were taken in Spokane. One of them was taken at Pauline's direct request. So, thank you, Pauline. You inpsire me!
There's a big debate amongst flickrites about whether or not the photos that flickr puts in the "interestingness" pool are actually, well, interesting! I think worrying over it is silly (though I see their point, for sure.) Regardless, it's fun to see which of my photos make it in...and which ones don't.
If you'd like to see more of my photos, click on the flickr link in the right sidebar, or select one of the links above.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
What's on my desk 6, originally uploaded by Patrick Q.
Why is it that work generates clutter? The more I work the more my desk goes into "mess" mode. But I must confess that I love it! I've had a tidy desk for too long.
Friday, March 10, 2006
I was surfing around, looking for something interesting, when I ran across this.
so...not that interesting
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Here's a fun idea for you. Totally free. No charge.
Next time you are bored, drive to the mall. Get out of your car and go inside. Wander around the common areas quietly spelling aloud the word, "pharmaceuticals."
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Make your own comics at this site. I grew tired of fooling with it at the moment, but I'm reminding myself to come back to it later by posting this one...
Sunday, March 05, 2006
So, if flickr is the most popular photo sharing site in America, and this is the most interesting photo on that site, then does that make this the most interesting photo in America? :)
Friday, March 03, 2006
I had a totally bad morning this morning. I realized I was interpreting it as God being mad at me. Why do I always do that?
Then I caught myself and remembered that circumstances are no reflection of His feelings for me. His Word says that He loves me and is pleased with me. Cirmumstances (from my view point) sure don't line up with that Good Word. So I had to ask myself, "Whose report will you believe?" and I answered, "I will believe the report of the Lord!"
Whew! Glad that's settled. I certainly was miserable thinking I was isolated from the only One who can get me out of this mess.
How is your day going? Good or bad, remember that Jesus and I are on your side!
A day late and a dollar short, as my Dad always's my response to the Craft Manifesto.
I am in particular agreement with point six. Here's an personal example: Every time I browse flickr I'm inspired to start new graphic design projects.
I've also noticed how so many crafters post their work on flickr, beautifully illustrating point 4.
I wish #7 weren't so painfully true. My current lack of tools makes me sad. Interested parties may donate to my personal Katrina relief fund via my Paypal account (just kidding). But I wish I had more tools of the trade, and I miss the ones I've lost. [There's a ND "skills" joke mentally forming here, that I don't feel like finishing. Any takers?]
I have an issue with point 10. Techniques bring people together - but they also create jargon - which separates people into two groups: those who speak it and those who don't.
So, anybody have any other thoughts to add?
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Copied this from the web address above. What do you think? Tomorrow I'll post my own thoughts on the manifesto.
1. People get satisfaction for being able to create/craft things because they can see themselves in the objects they make. This is not possible in purchased products.
2. The things that people have made themselves have magic powers. They have hidden meanings that other people can’t see.
3. The things people make they usually want to keep and update. Crafting is not against consumption. It is against throwing things away.
4. People seek recognition for the things they have made. Primarily it comes from their friends and family. This manifests as an economy of gifts.
5. People who believe they are producing genuinely cool things seek broader exposure for their products. This creates opportunities for alternative publishing channels.
6. Work inspires work. Seeing what other people have made generates new ideas and designs.
7. Essential for crafting are tools, which are accessible, portable, and easy to learn.
8. Materials become important. Knowledge of what they are made of and where to get them becomes essential.
9. Recipes become important. The ability to create and distribute interesting recipes becomes valuable.
10. Learning techniques brings people together. This creates online and offline communities of practice.
11. Craft-oriented people seek opportunities to discover interesting things and meet their makers. This creates marketplaces.
12. At the bottom, crafting is a form of play.