Friday, March 03, 2006


generally unhappy, originally uploaded by sheryltwoshoes.

I had a totally bad morning this morning. I realized I was interpreting it as God being mad at me. Why do I always do that?

Then I caught myself and remembered that circumstances are no reflection of His feelings for me. His Word says that He loves me and is pleased with me. Cirmumstances (from my view point) sure don't line up with that Good Word. So I had to ask myself, "Whose report will you believe?" and I answered, "I will believe the report of the Lord!"

Whew! Glad that's settled. I certainly was miserable thinking I was isolated from the only One who can get me out of this mess.

How is your day going? Good or bad, remember that Jesus and I are on your side!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a pretty crummy day ... but your entry was a good reminder. Kinda wacked me over the head with a 2x4. It was good. Thanks.