Friday, April 07, 2006


First ATC, originally uploaded by Patrick Q.

Pauline and I are making & exchanging ATC's (Artist Trading Cards). She already gave me her first one. This is my first one created for her - a collage. I combined 4 vintage valentines and an Ace of Hearts for this; I'm happy with the result. I hope Pauline likes it, too. I'm excited to start making things again. I haven't done anything creative, other than the Lego houses, since I taught elementary school.

Speaking of creative pursuits, I'm leaving in a half hour for my second photography lesson with Ryan. I'm hoping it goes well. I feel very inept when it comes to learning the ins and outs of manual photography. But practice makes perfect, right?

Some sad news today - Dad's dog was hit by a car. He was 12 years old. Losing this dog marks the end of an era for our family; the dog is the last puppy we kept from a line of dogs we've had since 1987 - nearly 20 years of the same dog family living with our family. Like they say, all good things must come to an end. Dad is taking the loss pretty hard. I wasn't as attached to this dog as he was, but when this dog's parents died (within days of each other) I was overcome with grief. Dad said that the dog had been a good companion for him; I'm sad to see him lost this way. My hamster died this week, too. Bummer of a month in the pet department.

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