Thursday, May 24, 2007


I'm a blog bum. Sorry for not updating sooner. At the gentle prodding of a couple of friends:

The interview was positive, but no contract yet.

My brother Steve is now a happily married man. Congratulations, Steve & Kari! I was honored to be a part of the ceremony. The best part: I didn't have to sing. That's one of the few weddings I've attended/been in where I didn't have a microphone in my hand. The bad news: I ate so much cake and other goodies while in LA that I gained 6 pounds. My brother is a bad influence on my eating habits, and I love every minute of it. But now I'll have to work that extra weight off so I'll be able to fit in my work clothes.

We hauled the ferns for the ceremony in my Blazer and there are a million little brown fern leaves in there. I wonder how long it will be before I work up the initiative to vacuum. Why do little things like that take me forever to accomplish... When I first got the Blazer I cleaned it twice a week, but that wore off in a couple of months.

My nephew and I are going to the Rush concert in Dallas in August. Just bought my tickets online. With the price of the Ticketmaster fee, in addition to the tickets, I got a year's subscription to Entertainment Weekly and 11 free songs on iTunes. Not a bad deal.

I'm debating about Taylor Hicks August 3rd and 4th. I don't think I want to go to the Coliseum in Biloxi (I wonder if it smells any better now....) I'd rather hear him at House of Blues, but I'd have to get somebody to go with me - I'm not dumb enough to go to New Orleans after dark solo.

Speaking of shows, I'm getting a group together for Pirates on Saturday. I hope it lives up to the previews. Even if it bombs (doubtful), it will be good to spend the evening with old friends. The sneak preview is tonight, so if you see it tonight or tomorrow, don't tell me about it until Sunday...


julie said...

i'd go with you to taylor hicks, patrick, but i don't know if i could get there in time on friday after work... ;)

julie said...

by the way... if you're a blog bum, i don't know what that makes me... three months? i think i was on the verge of being declared dead at the scene!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Julie! If you decide to take a sick day let me know :o)


Anonymous said...

I saw Pirates last night. It was crazy. Have fun tonight.

Anonymous said...

Ben, what did you think of that scene with the giant sea goddess when she was talking gibberish? I was rolling. Despite lame moments like that one, I thought it was pretty cool, on the whole.
