Friday, November 17, 2006


SWEET!, originally uploaded by Patrick Q.

Every year around this time I start hauling out the boxes of Christmas decorations. I carefully unpack and inspect each one - admiring its delicate beauty. Recalling all the good memories it inspires.

This year is no exception; boxes and bubble wrap are strewn everywhere. But I'm not decorating. I'm unpacking all of them so I can sell them, things I thought I'd hold onto till the grave.

What a surprise! And another suprise? I'm not sad. Letting them go is a good thing. It might just be the merriest Christmas of them all.


Kerstin Sunshine said...

hi patrick, this is Kerstin, a real GERMAN, I read on your blog that you are going to Germany for Christmas! That is special because the german Weihnachtsmarkt is wonderful.I am a German living in Oregon at the moment. greetings and cheerio

Patrick said...

They are! I'm so excited to go to the Christmas Market and drink hot chocolate and have a Nutella crepe. Greetings to you to and thanks for commenting to let me know you dropped by!

Patrick said...

Thanks, June! There are more of them on my flickr pages, if you'd like to see them. There's a link here on the blog.

Joel Settecase said...

My apartment's Christmas decorations consist of a Charley Brown-style plastic "tree", a string of lights, and two candles in the windows.

Hey have you been checking out my newest articles? They are pretty freaking sweet.

Patrick said...

Hey, Joel. I'm afraid I have been a slacker and am behind in checking your posts. Thanks for the mini-wake-up call. Let's see what I've been missing.