Friday, July 07, 2006


pirate boy, originally uploaded by krissie p.

I talked to a theatre employee about the new "Pirates" movie coming out today. She previewed it on Tuesday and loved it. Ben and I will see it tonight.

Here's a survey to gauge how excited you are about the newest Depp flick:

__ I'm with you - I'll be there opening night.

__ I might see it with the kids sometime.

__ I'll rent it.

__ I'm avoiding it like the Black Death.

__ What Pirates movie?


Anonymous said...

What Pirates movie???


Anonymous said...

"I'm avoiding it like the Black Death" -hahaha

I liked that response the best, but I saw it :)

Patrick said...

Dan - Gore Verbinski's newest film is called "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest." Like the original in the series, it stars Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Keira Knightly. Here's the IMDB address -