Monday, June 12, 2006


I've been depressed lately, and I've come to this conclusion: depression makes my brain hurt. My sense of humor, at least, seems to be in tip-top shape. I took one of those online quiz things (yeah, I know...lame-O, blah blah blah) and it looks like I'm pretty emo: 56%. I guess it's time for me to go teach English overseas. Or maybe I'll just go fight wolverines in Alaska. The lamest part about being depressed is that I can remember what it is like to not be depressed. I just can't make myself feel that way. I can make myself act that way. I guess that will have to do for now.

I've been careful not to talk much about it in this blog, because writing here is one way that I'm fighting the dark raincloud floating over my mood. But I'm thinking that talking about it and poking fun at it might be a good way to chip away at the hold it seems to have on me. So take that, depression. Score one for me.


Joel Settecase said...

Hey, glad to see you are using the "Part Deux" in your titles. Did you by chance get that from me? Not to assume, but I do tend to use that; so I'm just wondering. You are the man.

Patrick said...

It's an allustion to the film Hot Shots! But, I'm sure I'll be referencing you often enough to keep you guessing.

shoa said...

Way to go Settecase. Patrick threw out his real feelings in a blog entry, and you left a comment trying to take credit for the title of the entry. read the entry?

Then, we find out that not only were you mistaken about the reference in the title (how embarrassing for you), we also realize that you still neglected to reassure Patrick that things will get better. He just has to go after what he wants and enjoy all the good things he has.

Settecase, throwing in "You are the man" at the end of your comment does NOT make up for the giant blogger faux pas you have committed here.

I hope you realize what you have done.

Btw, Patrick, you da' man. And it's okay to be sad. A lot of people are.

Patrick said...

Wow, Joel! I got a laugh from your comment. But I'm glad to know Shoa's got my back!